Curry 8 Flow’s traction will surely make a hit with its surprising performance. (Photo courtesy of Sneaker News)
Curry 8 Flow’s traction is the perfect example of the “looks can be deceiving” cliche. The outsoles are not made of thick rubber compound nor an icy translucent outsole, rather it is made of a plastic-like compound just like what Nike React has. My first impression with the tractions is that it seems like it won’t work as it appears to be odd and slippery.
However, that impression went up in smoke. The traction is surprisingly excellent both in indoor courts and black tops. The outsoles provide a good bite with its multi-directional traction pattern. The traction works in any direction and has a good grip when running or making shifts. You can make immediate stops without slides or delay.
Apparently, the Curry 8 Flow was made without infusing any rubber material to ensure that it will maximize its lightness. Despite the “change” with the materials, the outsoles are surprisingly durable even when being used outdoors.
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